2009年获新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)化学与生物分子工程学博士学位,2010-2012年在美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)颌面再生研究中心完成博士后研究,2012年8月起任湖南大学教授,湖南大学博士生导师。2013年当选中国生物医学工程学会高级会员,担任组织工程与再生医学分会第二届、第三届理事会青年委员,担任《Biotechnology Frontier》编委,2015年获得“湖南省自然科学杰出青年基金”。
以智慧型生物材料的开发为基础,结合干细胞的修复潜能和干细胞微环境中的关键因子,发展基于干细胞归巢的组织修复新策略;另外基于肿瘤和化疗药物的特性,开发对微环境敏感的功能化生物材料以及协同治疗新策略。在Biomaterials、Journal of Controlled Release、Journal of Materials Chemistry B、Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A、Biotechnology and Bioengineering等期刊发表SCI收录论文30余篇,申请了多项发明专利。
1. Hemin Nie (*), Jeremy J. Mao (*), Micro/Nanotech-Based Craniofacial Tissue Engineering, Handbook of Intelligent Scaffold for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, G. Khang, Pan Stanford, 2015.
2. Nan Jiang (*), Mo Chen, Chang H. Lee, Jian Zhou, Mildred C. Embree, Kimi Kong, Choko Cho, Avital M. Mendelson, Ying Zheng, Hemin Nie, Jeremy J. Mao (*), Craniofacial Tissue Bioengineering and Regeneration by Endogenous Stem Cells, Stem Cells in Craniofacial Development and Regeneration, G.T. Huang, I. Thesleff, Wiley Blackwell, 2013, pp: 367-378.
3. Hemin Nie (#), Jeremy J. Mao (*), Dental and craniofacial bioengineering, Tissue Engineering: Principles and Practices, John P Fisher, Antonios G Mikos, Joseph D Bronzino, Boca Raton : CRC Press, pp 28-1-28-17, United States, 2013.
4. Hemin Nie (#), Jin Kim, Susan Y. Fu, Jeremy J. Mao (*), Biomaterials Selection for Dental Pulp Regeneration, Comprehensive Biomaterials, Paul Ducheyne, Kevin Healy, Dietmar Hutmacher, Elsevier Ltd., pp 245-254, United States, 2011.
1. Hemin Nie (#), Mei-Ling Ho, Chih-Kuang Wang, Chi-Hwa Wang, Yin-Chih Fu (*), BMP-2 plasmid loaded PLGA/HAp composite scaffolds for treatment of bone defects in nude mice, Biomaterials, 2009, 30(5), 892-901. (IF 8.312)
2. Hemin Nie (#), Yilong Fu, Chi-Hwa Wang (*), Paclitaxel and suramin-loaded core/shell microspheres in the treatment of brain tumors, Biomaterials, 2010, 31(33), 8732-8740. (IF 8.312)
3. Hemin Nie (#), Chi-Hwa Wang (*), Fabrication and characterization of PLGA/HAp composite scaffolds for delivery of BMP-2 plasmid DNA, Journal of Controlled Release, 2007, 120(1-2), 111-121. (IF 7.633)
4. Hemin Nie (#), Lai Yeng Lee, Hui Tong, Chi-Hwa Wang (*), PLGA/chitosan composites from a combination of spray drying and supercritical fluid foaming techniques: New carriers for DNA delivery, Journal of Controlled Release, 2008, 129(3), 207-214. (IF 7.633)
5. Hemin Nie (#), Shih Tak Khew, Lai Yeng Lee, Kai Ling Poh, Yen Wah Tong, Chi-Hwa Wang (*), Lysine-based peptide-functionalized PLGA foams for controlled DNA delivery, Journal of Controlled Release, 2009, 138(1), 64-70. (IF 7.633)
6. Dapeng Zhao (#), Lei Lei, Shuo Wang, Hemin Nie (*), Understanding cell homing-based tissue engineering from the perspective of materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 7319-7333. (IF 4.726)
7. Shuo Wang (#), Shaoping Zhong, Chew Teck Lim, Hemin Nie (*), Effects of fiber alignment on stem cell–fibrous scaffold interactions, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 3358- 3366. (IF 4.726)
8. Shuo Wang (#), Wei Ju, Peng Shang, Lei Lei, Hemin Nie (*), Core–shell microspheres delivering FGF-2 and BMP-2 in different release patterns for bone regeneration, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 1907-1920. (IF 4.726)
9. Hemin Nie (#), Beng Wee Soh, Yin-Chih Fu, Chi-Hwa Wang (*), Three-dimensional fibrous PLGA/HAp composite scaffold for BMP-2 delivery, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2008, 99(1), 223-234. (IF 4.164)
10. Yin-Chih Fu (#), Hemin Nie, Mei-Ling Ho, Chih-Kuang Wang, Chi-Hwa Wang (*), Optimized bone regeneration based on sustained release from three-dimensional fibrous PLGA/HAp composite scaffolds loaded with BMP-2, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2008, 99(4), 996-1006. (IF 4.164)
11. Zhenglin Yuan (#), Hemin Nie (#), Shuang Wang, Chang Hun Lee, Ang Li, Susan Y Fu, Hong Zhou, Lili Chen(*), Jeremy J Mao (*), Biomaterial selection for tooth regeneration, Tissue Engineering Part B Review, 2011, 17(5), 373-388. (IF 4.636)
12. Hemin Nie (#), Chang Hun Lee, Jiali Tan, Chuanyong Lu, Avital Mendelson, Mo Chen, Mildred C Embree, Kimi Kong, Bhranti Shah, Shuang Wang, Shoko Cho, Jeremy J Mao (*), Musculoskeletal tissue engineering by endogenous stem/progenitor cells, Cell and Tissue Research, 2012, 347(3), 665-676. (IF 3.677)
13. Bei Xie (#), Jian Peng, Shuo Wang, Xing Zhang, Hemin Nie (*), Investigation of the sequential actions of doxorubicin and p53 on tumor cell growth via branched polyethylenimine-β-cyclodextrin conjugates, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-016-1627-1. (IF 3.195)
14. Lei Lei (#), Shuo Wang, Honghui Wu, Wei Ju, Jian Peng, Alshurefi Anwarqahtan, Chen Chen, Yanqin Lu, Jieying Peng, Xing Zhang, Hemin Nie (*), Optimization of release pattern of FGF-2 and BMP-2 for osteogenic differentiation of low-population density hMSCs, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2015, 103(1), 252-261. (IF 3.044)
15. Hemin Nie (#), Zhenguo Dong, Davis Yohanes Arifin, Yong Hu, Chi-Hwa Wang (*), Core/shell microspheres via coaxial electrohydrodynamic atomization for sequential and parallel release of drugs, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2010, 95(3), 709-716. (IF 3.044)
16. Dinggeng He (#), Shuo Wang, Lei Lei, Zengtao Hou, Peng Shang, Xiaoxiao He, Hemin Nie (*), Core–shell particles for controllable release of drug, Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 125, 108-120. (IF 2.613)
17. Hao Zeng (#), Xiaoyang Pang, Shuo Wang, Zhengquan Xu, Wei Peng, Penghui Zhang, Yupeng Zhang, Zheng Liu, Chengke Luo, Xiaoyang Wang (*), Hemin Nie (*), The preparation of core/shell structured microsphere of multi first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs and evaluation of biologic safety, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2015, 8(6), 8398-8414. (IF 1.277)
18. Honghui Wu (#), Jian Peng, Shuo Wang, Bei Xie, Lei Lei, Dapeng Zhao, Hemin Nie (*), Fabrication of graphene oxide-β-cyclodextrin nanoparticle releasing doxorubicin and topotecan for combination chemotherapy, Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, 2015, 30, 242-249. (IF 1.227)
19. Shanfang Hu (#), Xianwei Cui, Weimin He, Xiangyi Chen, Zikuan Gu, Jingzhe Zhao, Guang Zeng, Zhan Shi, Lei Zhu (*), Hemin Nie (*), Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Preliminary Biological Studies of Several Heterocyclic Transition Metal Carbonyl Complexes, Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 2015, 641(14), 2452-2459. (IF 1.16)
20. Yawei Du (#), Linan Zhang, Xin Ye, Hemin Nie, Zengtao Hou, Tenghui Zeng, Guoping Yan, Peng Shang (*), In vitro and in vivo evaluation of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) immobilized collagen-coated polyetheretherketone (PEEK), Frontiers of Materials Science, 2015, 9(1), 38-50. (IF 1.0)
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