2008–2012 俄亥俄州立大学(美国) 环境工程 博士
2006–2008 俄亥俄州立大学(美国) 环境科学 硕士
2003–2006 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 环境科学 硕士
1999–2003 湖南农业大学 环境工程 本科
2015至今 中南大学 冶金与环境学院 副教授
2014–2015 中南大学 冶金与环境学院 讲师
2012–2014 斯德哥尔摩大学(瑞典) 应用环境科学系 博士后研究员
R. Xiao*, I. Zammit, Z. Wei, M. MacLeod, and R. Spinney* (2015), Kinetics and mechanism of the oxidation of cyclosiloxanes by hydroxyl radical in the gas phase: An experimental and theoretical study. Environmental Science & Technology 49 (22):13322-13330.(通讯作者)
R. Xiao, T. Ye, Z. Wei, S. Luo, Z. Yang*, R. Spinney* (2015) Quantitative structure‒activity relationship (QSAR) for the oxidation of trace organic contaminants by sulfate radical. Environmental Science & Technology 49 (22): 13394-13402.
R. Xiao, Z. Wei, D. Chen, L. K. Weavers*, (2014) Kinetics and mechanism of sonochemical degradation of pharmaceuticals in municipal wastewater. Environmental Science & Technology 48 (16): 9675–9683.
R. Xiao, Z. Wang, C. Wang, G. Yu, Y. Zhu, (2006) Genotoxic risk identification of soil contamination at a major industrialized city in northeast China by a combination of in vitro and in vivo bioassays. Environmental Science & Technology 40(19): 6170–6175.
Z. Yang, S. Luo, Z. Wei, R. Spinney, and R. Xiao*, Rate constants of hydroxyl radical oxidation of polychlorinated biphenyls in the gas phase: A single-descriptor based QSAR and DFT Study. Environmental Pollution 211: 157-164. (通讯作者)
R. Xiao, M. Adolfsson-Erici, G. Åkerman, M. McLachlan, M. MacLeod*, (2013) A Benchmarking method to measure dietary absorption efficiency of chemicals by fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32(12): 2695–2700.
R. Xiao, D. Diaz-Rivera, L. K. Weavers, (2013) Factors influencing pharmaceutical and personal care product (PPCP) degradation in aqueous solution using pulsed wave ultrasound. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52(8): 2824–2831.
Z. Yang, Z. Zhang, L. Chai, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, and R. Xiao* (2016) Bioleaching remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils using Burkholderia sp. Z-90. Journal of Hazardous Materials 301: 145-152. (通讯作者)
R. Xiao, Z. He, D. Diaz-Rivera, G.Y. Pee, L. K. Weavers., (2014) Sonochemical degradation of ciprofloxacin and ibuprofen in the presence of matrix organic compounds. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 21(1): 428–435.
R. Xiao, D. Diaz-Rivera, Z. He, L. K. Weavers, (2013) Using pulsed wave ultrasound to evaluate the suitability of common hydroxyl radical scavengers in sonochemical systems. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 20(3): 990–996.
R. Xiao, M. Noerpel, H. Luk, Z. Wei, R. Spinney, (2014) Thermodynamic and kinetic study of ibuprofen with hydroxyl radical: A density functional theory approach. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 114(1): 74–83.
Z. Yang, L. Liu, L. Chai, Y. Liao, W. Yao, R. Xiao*, (2015) Arsenic immobilization in the contaminated soil using poorly-crystalline Fe-oxyhydroxy sulfate, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22 (16): 12624–12632. (通讯作者)
Z. Wei, R. Spinney, R. Ke, Z. Yang, R. Xiao*, (2016) Effect of pH on the sonochemical degradation of organic pollutants, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 14 (2): 163‒182. (通讯作者)
R. Xiao*, J.R. Arnot, M. MacLeod (2015) Towards an improved understanding of processes controlling absorption efficiency and biomagnification of organic chemicals by fish. Chemosphere 138: 89-95 (通讯作者)
R. Xiao, Z. Wang, C. Wang, G. Yu, (2006) Soil screening for identifying ecological risk stressors using a battery of in vitro cell bioassays. Chemosphere 64(1): 71–78.
Z. Wei, J.A. Kosterman, R. Xiao, M. Cai, L. K. Weavers* (2015) Designing and characterizing a multi-stepped ultrasonic horn for enhanced sonochemical performance. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 27: 325–333
C. Yang, Q. Zeng*, Y. Yang, R. Xiao, Y. Wang, H. Shi, (2014) The synthesis of humic acids graft copolymer and its adsorption for organic pesticides, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20: 1133–1139.
D. Chen, P. Szostak, Z. Wei, R Xiao, (2016) Reduction of orthophosphates loss in agricultural soil by nano calcium sulfate, Science of the Total Environment, 539: 381–387
G. Yu, R. Xiao, D. Wang, J. Zhou, Z. Wang, (2008) Assessing the ecological risk of soil irrigated with wastewater using in vitro cell bioassays. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 43(14): 1618–1627.
肖睿洋,禹果,王春霞,王子健 (2005) 天津地区土壤中遗传毒性物质的分布规律. 环境科学学报 25 (10): 1403-1407.
禹果, 肖睿洋, 王春霞, 王子健. (2006) 利用umu/SOS实验评价污水灌溉土壤的遗传毒性. 环境科学, 27 (6): 1162-1165.
禹果, 肖睿洋, 王春霞, 吴文勇, 刘洪禄, 王子健. (2007) 利用离体umu/SOS测试与活体蚯蚓彗星试验评价再生水灌溉土壤的遗传毒性. 土壤学报. 44(3): 522–528.
禹果, 吴文勇, 刘洪禄, 肖睿洋, 王春霞, 王子健. (2006) 利用化学分析和生物测试方法比较研究污染壤中芳烃受体效应物质的积累. 环境科学27(9): 1820–1824.
R. Xiao. Influence of wastewater effluent components on the degradation of a series of pharmaceuticals using continuous and pulsed wave ultrasound, European Sonochemistry Society Meeting (ESS 14), Avignon, France, June, 2014.
R. Xiao. A dynamic multi-compartment fish bioaccumulation model with a focus on dietary chemical absorption. 24th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, May 14, 2014.
R. Xiao. A kinetic modeling study of sources of variability in measurements of absorption efficiency of chemicals by fish. 34th SETAC North American Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 18, 2013.
R. Xiao. A benchmarking method to measure dietary absorption efficiency of chemicals by fish. 23rd SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Glasgow, UK, May 13, 2013.
R. Xiao. Probe the utility of pulsed wave ultrasound for degradation of pharmaceuticals. The 18th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil, Jacksonville, FL, November 12, 2012 (Keynote lecture).
R. Xiao. Probe the utility of pulsed wave ultrasound for degradation of pharmaceuticals, Lectures in Contaminant Science. Stockholm University. Stockholm, Sweden, September 24, 2012.
R. Xiao. Innovative and efficient technology for pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) treatment in water: An ultrasound irradiation and computational Study, AWWA Conference & Exposition. Washington, D.C. June 17, 2011.
R. Xiao. Innovative and efficient technology for pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) treatment in water: An ultrasound irradiation and computational Study, 25th Hayes Research Forum. Columbus, OH, March 4, 2011.
R. Xiao. Pulsed ultrasound as a probe to investigate effects of •OH scavengers on cavitation bubbles, Pacifichem 2010 Congress. Honolulu, Hawaii, December 15, 2010.
Xiao R. Sonochemical degradation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products using continuous and pulsed ultrasound in aqueous solution, Pacifichem 2010 Congress. Honolulu, Hawaii, December 15–20, 2010.
R. Xiao. Pulsed ultrasound as a probe to investigate the effects of •OH radical scavengers on cavitation bubbles, Gordon Research Conferences. Holderness, NH. June 20, 2010 (poster presentation).
R. Xiao. Sonochemical degradation of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products using continuous and pulsed ultrasound in aqueous solution, 238th ACS National Meeting. Washington, D.C. August 15, 2009.
R. Xiao. Sonochemical degradation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in aqueous solution, The Ohio State University, Division of Global and Environmental Change Seminar Series, Columbus, OH, April 7, 2009.
Asian Journal of Chemistry
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Environmental Pollution
Environmental Science &Technology
Environmental Science &Technology Letter
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
Journal of Environmental Engineering
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
Science of the Total Environment
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Annual In-State Competitive Research Grants Program, National Water Resources Research Institutes
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 副主编,Springer出版社, IF = 2.57